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Get to know BRG’s Group Training Manager Becky Booker.

Meet our experienced, knowledgeable and incredible Group Training Manager Becky Booker. Becky shares her recruitment story and reveals all about life at the Berry Recruitment Group. Get to know Becky: What do you like most about working for the Berry Recruitment Group and what are you most proud of ?   What is your experience?...

"Get to know BRG’s Group Training Manager Becky Booker."Continue reading

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Business makes a beeline for BuzzHire

After Uber, Deliveroo, Zapp…. ‘BuzzHire’ – the on-demand app for instant jobs and workers. A staffing tech platform is capitalising on London’s hospitality and delivery sectors’ return to normality and is seeing a surge in growth. BuzzHire places power in the hands of the workers and is set to revolutionise on-demand gig-employment. The award-winning tech...

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BRG Awards

Unfortunately, due to COVID19, the BRG Annual Awards Ceremony is a little different this year. But even a global pandemic can’t stop us from celebrating the success of our colleagues and the contributions they have made during the most challenging of years. As a business, we are keen to recognise and reward outstanding individual and...

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