Victoria Bari Learning at Work week Group Training Manager

Training is more than a one-time event

BRG Training Manager, Victoria Bari, discusses the benefits and importance of consistent training for employees as we celebrate Learning at Work week.

The majority of companies have a standard introductory training process for new starters, with additional on-the-job instruction depending on the role. Yet there are clear advantages in going beyond this and encouraging structured development throughout an employee’s employment.

We asked Victoria Bari, Group Training Manager, her views of training at work:

“The reason consistent training is important as it helps employees develop and enhance their skills, providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to perform their jobs effectively leading to improved performance and productivity.” says Victoria Bari.

It’s also a commitment to employee growth and development which can boost morale and increase job satisfaction. Employees who receive regular training are more likely to feel valued and invested in their roles. This leads to higher levels of retention and loyalty to the company.”

Victoria continues, “Training courses benefit the employer as well, as they are getting well trained employees who are better equipped to deliver high-quality service to their customers/clients.

Training helps employees solve problems and issues promptly which increases client confidence. It can also help develop stronger communication skills enabling them to interact with the client in a professional manner.”


Get to know our team

Victoria Bari has worked for Berry Recruitment Group since November 2023 and has 23 years’ experience within Recruitment Training and Coaching. She is responsible for running training courses across the business, as well as implementing group Inductions for new starters joining the company.

As Group Training Manager, her role has a strategic focus on researching current topics within recruitment and consistently reviewing and redesigning the training within the company, ensuring they are aligned with Berry Recruitment Group’s goals and aspirations.

Currently, the consultant courses offered are: Candidate Sourcing and Advertising, Advanced sales, Client visits and How to build a High-income Temp desk, as well as many more. Also offered for Managers are courses focused on Coaching skills and the Management Fundamentals. There are also iHASCO online courses that cover a range of topics available to everyone.


Training for Candidates

Learning while job seeking is also important for candidates, with many short courses available to improve and learn new skills to help with their job search. While looking for work, completing a course or attending additional training can make a candidate look more favourable to employers, as well as boost their skills confidence.

In April, Berry Recruitment Northampton branch introduced their new training room for Catering sector candidates on site as part of their in-house Food Hygiene and Health & Safety training programme. Paul Mott, Recruitment Consultant and catering & hospitality specialist, christened the new facility with the first weekly Hospitality & Food Service training session for candidates, teaching proper service etiquette, food safety, and uniform and grooming standards.

The sessions offer a great opportunity for job seekers looking to hone their existing skills or to get first-hand experience as they enter the catering & hospitality industry.






At Berry Recruitment, we are able to offer candidates expert career advice, plus a range of training and testing across Office, Industrial, Driving, Construction and Catering sectors. Visit our website for more information on what we can offer our candidates.


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